Whether you would like help looking for a book or in conducting in-depth research for class, the library's reference services are available to you.
Services include library instruction, also called bibliographic instruction or BI, whether for an entire class or an individual. Bibliographic instruction is provided to teach library users about the library contents, layout and tools, such as the online catalog and research databases.
Faculty may contact the library to schedule an instruction session for a class. The session can be held in the library or in the classroom.
Additionally, reference services may include assistance in locating reading materials not related to coursework.
For individual assistance, feel free to drop in. If an appointment is more convenient, please contact Shannon Gibson, Director of Library Services, at 770.720.5585 or by e-mail at shannon.gibson@reinhardt.edu
You are encouraged to visit the library to receive help with research. Feel free to stop by and don't be afraid to ask questions! If an appointment is more convenient, please contact Shannon Gibson, Director of Library Services, at 770.720.5585 or by e-mail at shannon.gibson@reinhardt.edu