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Citation: ASA Style

This is an overview with examples of the American Sociologist Association citation style.


For books, use the following format: 

Author's last name, Author's first name. Year of Publication. Title of Book. Location of Publisher: Publisher's Name. 


Gillespie, Andra. 2019. Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols, and Hope. Manchester: Manchester University Press.


For journal articles, follow the general format: 

Author's last name, author's first name. Year of Publication. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume Number(Issue Number):Page Numbers. DOI or URL.


Modecki, Katherine Lynn, Bep Uink, and Bonnie L. Barber. 2018. "Antisocial Behaviour During the Teenage Years: Understanding Developmental Risks." Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice (556):1-14.


For website sources include as much of the following as you can: 

  • Owner or sponsor of the site.
  • Date of publication or latest revision. If no date, use n.d. and include an Accessed Month Day, Year after the title.
  • Title or description of the specific page or website as a whole
  • URL


APA (American Psychology Association). n.d. "Science of Psychology." Accessed May 5, 2020.


Audiovisual sources can differ from one another depending on the information available. 

Author's last name, Author's first name. Year of Publication. "Title of Video." Produced by an Organization. Month Day. Video, Length of Video. URL. 


Lippard, Cameron. 2019. "Strangers in a Familiar Land." Produced by the American Sociological Association. Posted November 4. Video, 3:36.

PBS (Public Broadcasting Corporation). 2020. "Episode 5." World on Fire. Aired May 3. Video, 53:30.

Corresponding References


APA (American Psychology Association). n.d. "Science of Psychology." Accessed May 5, 2020.

Gillespie, Andra. 2019. Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols, and Hope. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Lippard, Cameron. 2019. "Strangers in a Familiar Land." Produced by the American Sociological Association. Posted November 4. Video, 3:36.

Modecki, Katherine Lynn, Bep Uink, and Bonnie L. Barber. 2018. "Antisocial Behaviour During the Teenage Years: Understanding Developmental Risks." Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice (556):1-14.

PBS (Public Broadcasting Corporation). 2020. "Episode 5." World on Fire. Aired May 3. Video, 53:30.