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Library Services

Guide to various services provided by the library for our users.

Computer Services


The Hill Freeman Library and Spruill Learning Center has 40+ computer workstations, each with network connectivity and a full suite of application software. Laser printers and scanning equipment are available on site. A wireless network is available throughout the library for laptop and smart phone users.

The After Hours Library, which is available to students, faculty and staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, includes computer workstations equipped with a full suite of application software. They are all networked and connected to a laser printer. Read more about the After Hours Library.

Remember, you are unable to save files and work to the library computer hard drives. Please save your work to your cloud storage or e-mail it to yourself. Remember to save your work often so that in case of a power failure or other computer problem you will not lose all your work.

Community Patrons

Use the computers on the third floor. Check in with staff to get logged in.

Acceptable Use Policy

Hill Freeman Library and Spruill Learning Center

Acceptable Use Policy


In accordance with the Office of Information Technology’s Acceptable Use policy, the Hill Freeman Library and Spruill Learning Center has developed this policy to ensure the proper use of the library’s computer resources and services by Reinhardt University students, employees, and community patrons. All individuals have the responsibility to use computer resources in an efficient, effective, ethical, and lawful manner.

The following policy, rules, and conditions apply to all users of computer resources and services.

Violations of this policy may result in suspension without notice of privileges to use the resources and services, disciplinary action, including possible termination, and/or legal action.

Community patrons violating policy may have their library privileges revoked.


Computer users are governed by the following provisions, which apply to all use of computer resources and services.

The term "users," as used in this policy, refers to all Reinhardt University employees, students, and community patrons accessing or using the Hill Freeman Library and Spruill Learning Center’s computer and network resources and services.

Users must comply with all copyright laws and fair use provisions, software and database licenses, and all other state and federal laws governing intellectual property. Inappropriate reproduction and/or distribution of copyright music, movies, computer software, text, images, etc. is strictly prohibited.

Users are asked to conduct themselves in a courteous manner which is not disruptive to other patrons or staff.

Fraudulent, harassing, obscene, or other unlawful material may not be sent by e-mail or other form of electronic communication or displayed on or stored in library computers. This includes but is not limited to: sexually explicit materials, hate speech, or other matter which is not consistent with the University’s educational mission.

Library staff reserves the right to decide what is considered fraudulent, harassing, or obscene material.

The computer resources and services of the library may not be used for the transmission, creation or storage of commercial activity, personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs (viruses and/or self-replicating code), political material, or any other unauthorized or personal use.

Use of any website which contains content which is damaging to the library’s equipment (such as malware, viruses, etc.) or deliberate attempts to degrade system performance or capability, or intentional attempts to damage systems, software or intellectual property of others are prohibited.

Any network activity that impedes the flow of network traffic or diminishes the availability of resources to other users is strictly prohibited.

Users must comply with all provisions of the Office of Information Technology’s Acceptable Use and Wireless Network policies.

Reinhardt University is not responsible for the actions of individual users.

Use of Reinhardt's computer, network and telecommunication resources and services constitutes acceptance of this Email and Computer Use Policy.

Violation of the policy may result in an escort from the premises by Public Safety.